Keel Warranty
1. What this warranty covers and for how long:
MARSKEEL, A DIVISION OF MARSWELL METAL INDUSTRIES LTD., warrants all solid, antimonial lead keels against defects in material and workmanship for 6 months from the date of delivery to the manufacturer. This includes all accessories either cast-into or shipped-with the keel, such as keel bolts (stainless steel or bronze), hex nuts, standard flat washers and any custom attachments.
MARSKEEL, at its option and discretion, will at no charge, during the warranty period either repair, replace or refund the applicable dollar amount up to, but not exceeding, the original selling price of the keel.
If replacement is necessary, MARSKEEL will supply a replacement keel to the original, authorized dealer from which the boat was purchased.
MARSKEEL will cover all freight charges for the replacement keel prorated to the original shipping destination and correspondingly the subsequent return of the rejected keel to MARS.
MARSKEEL is not responsible for the labour costs relating to the removal and re-fit of the new keel nor bonding / fairing material costs for basic installation by the authorized service yard.
MARS will supply the keel to the dealer faired to production standards with two (2) coats of Interprotect 2000E, complete with applicable keel bolts, hex nuts and flat washers, ready to install per the original bolt set-up.
- If the original dealer is unable to perform the work, for reasons unknown, then it is the responsibility of the owner to source a qualified yard in the immediate vicinity of the original dealer or commissioning yard.
- Retrofits and repairs will be done by authorized and reputable dealers and service yards qualified to perform such work.
- Allow four (4) weeks minimum to six (6) weeks maximum time allowance to process and rectify from receipt of the written approval claims submitted with necessary documentation supplied. (see section #4).
2. What this warranty does not cover:
A) Defects or damage from misuse, accident or neglect.
B) Defects or damage from improper operation, maintenance, installation, adjustment or any alteration or modification of any kind to the original product supplied.
C) Products altered, modified or repaired before the submitted claim is approved.
D) Any keels which utilize an integral casting technique where the dissimilar metal is ferrous.
E) Any mild steel or iron that is part of the lead casting – cast-in or attached.
Warranty information specific to dissimilar metal keels (addendum A)
The marriage of 2 dissimilar metals to create a sailboat keel with an integrally cast lead bulb can, and often does, manifest a hairline crack at the junction of the fin and bulb. This is caused by the different expansion and contraction rates of the two dissimilar metals and is beyond our control. As a rule, this is a cosmetic blemish and is not indicative of a structural defect or failure. Our experience with non-ferrous fin sections has been excellent, however, when the fin material is a ferrous metal such as cast iron, cast steel or fabricated steel; a corrosion problem can develop due to water penetration to the base metal.
We at Mars Metal take every possible step to minimize these expansion cracks but we are not able to defy either the laws of physics nor the predictable effects of fresh/salt water on a ferrous metal. We do not recommend a ferrous fin material and therefore must advise that we will not honour any corrosion-related claims where a ferrous fin material is specified.
Warranty information specific to underwater metal protection (addendum B)
The lead used in keels manufactured by MARSKEEL is an inert base metal however; proper protection is essential to the longevity of its finish and performance. A frequent inspection regimen is essential and the keel must be considered a regular maintenance item. It is normal to have to perform touch-ups and minor repairs to this component of the boat and these activities should be considered routine maintenance and not warranty issues.
Mars keels are supplied with two- (2) roller applied coats of Interprotect 2000E. Each coat represents approximately two to two and a half (2 – 2½) mils of dry film protection. The ten- (10) mil minimum thickness given by Interlux is the tested, accepted standard thickness of high quality epoxy necessary for an effective moisture and blister resistant barrier. We strongly recommend a twelve to fifteen (12-15) mil dry film build. Surface sanding is required prior to the application of additional coats of Interprotect 2000E by the builder, dealer or commissioning yard, which reduces the initial primer coating. After the preparatory sanding an additional four to five (4-5) roller applied coats are necessary however, the dry film thickness is more important than the number of coats. An excellent reference web site for information and instruction can be found at The importance of this underwater metal protection issue can not be over emphasized and failure to comply with this information addendum will void any warranty claim.
3. Warranty conditions:
This express written warranty is extended by MARSKEEL to the original owner and is transferable to subsequent owners up to the allowable warranty time frame as outlined in section #1. This warranty applies only to product sold and shipped within the CONTINTENTAL USA and CANADA.
4. How to apply and receive warranty service:
All claims are to be submitted in detailed written form, accompanied by photos in hard copy or digital form for the related claim.
Included shall be:
A) Boat type, year, including keel type.
B) Boat hull number, and where applicable, keel part number and tag number.
C) Dealer name, address, where purchased, contacts and phone number.
D) Date of sale and boat commissioning location, if different from dealer.
E) Name, address, contact, and phone number of commissioning yard if different from the original dealer.
F) Detailed written estimate of repair costs.
G) Service inspection history
H) For any warranty claims relating to keel surface finish e.g. blisters or blemishes, copies of the original commissioning documents relating to keel preparation for proper protection underwater must be provided.
Recommended Guideline for Service and Maintenance of Lead Keels
The following is a guideline for routine inspection and recommended maintenance of lead keels:
- Lead keels require a visual inspection every haul out of at least one every six- (6) months or semi-annually, as any metal part below the waterline is much more prone to corrosion and maintenance especially where salt water is present.
- Keel and hull joint should also be inspected at least semi annually along with visual inspection of keel bolts inside the hull / sump area.
- Assure no water penetration is apparent at the keel / hull junction and no weeping is visible at the joint.
- Inspect the keel surface with a light sanding to ensure no blisters or bubbles are below the paint surface.
- Always ensure that the keel surface has ample paint coverage so the metal is protected and any risk of water penetration is avoided.
- If possible blistering or moisture penetration is suspected, then have a reputable service yard inspect.
The above are simple routine checks and should be done semi-annually by either the boat owner or a reputable service yard or dealer.