Stability Bulbs

If you feel that your boat requires added stability MarsKeel Technology can assist you. The second use for our custom cast Split Torpedo Bulbs, as seen in our Draft Reduction section, is to increase stability.
We suggest that the decision about the amount of weight needed for the yacht should be made in consultation with the yacht manufacturer or designer. The reason is to add only the amount of weight needed to improve the yachts performance and not add unwanted or unnecessary weight and stress onto the hull and rig. Performance-oriented sailors will benefit from the addition of MarsKeel Torpedos™, which add stability, reduce leeway and heeling angle, providing increased forward speed.
The manufacturing of the stability bulbs is the same as the mentioned bulbs used in the draft reductions. These bulbs can be cast from approx. 100 lbs. per side to approx. 1300 lbs per side. The bulbs are installed the same way, minus the shortening of the keel.
If there are any questions about the use of the Split Torpedo Bulbs to increase the yachts stability, please contact us.